To start any business it takes money. With the Internet you can get away with actually doing things that do not cost money and immediately start earning money. So in this blog I leave the choice to you.
It is definitely recommended that you at the very least become familiar with the free methods (i.e. writing articles) as this is always a great “free” technique that you will be able to use for safety if your initial PPC (pay-per-click the paid way for Internet marketing (idiots don't dare))ventures go haywire.

As a former idiot, it is my recommendation that you have an understanding of both Article, and PPC marketing. The two are often closely related and you can port a successful article marketing campaign into a PPC one and vice versa, which is the cool part.
PPC marketing definitely achieves quicker results as your ads can be shown almost instantly with Google or Yahoo and they will show up under the keywords that you specify. You can also super target your market and certain geographic regions, something that is not easily attainable with free techniques.
PPC marketing does cost money and although it is fairly easy to implement there is a downside. In the offline world, the fastest person to lose his or her money is an idiot. It's 10x faster on the Internet, esp with PPC.
If you start PPC marketing without taking advantage of learning resources available online from credible sources, you could easily end up losing TONS of cash.
The great part about article marketing and other free marketing techniques is that they are 100% free and you can “learn by doing” without having to risk your own money. While article marketing, you will learn some of the most important aspects of "Internet marketing including copy writing, creating sales pages, affiliate linking, researching industries, and how to understand your target audiences."
I suggest that if you are on a budget or do not feel comfortable with doing PPC marketing just yet, that you work on implementing free techniques like article marketing until you get a better feel for how PPC works.
For PPC tips; visit the PPC Consultant blog or
IM Idiot
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