Successful; yet a lot of work. Had I taken to the time to learn how affiliate marketing kept track of everything I would probably be further ahead of the game. Lean on my idiot mistakes here folks.
So here's the skinny:
Companies have something called affiliate programs that they use to track sales you make. When you sign-up to an affiliate program; you are given a unique sales link which you will then use to refer people to the company website. This link will uniquely identify you as the affiliate who made the referral of the visitor to their site. If the visitor ends up making a purchase, you will get paid.

There are many different avenues you can take as an Internet marketer, and there are many different techniques to use. Before we get started here, you need to know that you DO NOT need to know everything in order to succeed.
As you get started, you will be much better off focusing on one Internet marketing technique and becoming an expert in that area than to diversify as a "jack-of-all-trade." If you take a look different professions you will see specialists always get paid more (a general practitioner does not get paid what a brain surgeon gets).
Make sense?
You will understand this in grave detail soon. So the link keeps track for you so. It does this by leaving a cookie in the visitors window for up to 30 days or more (depending on the vendor).
Idiot IM
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