Hey; there hasn't been a great amount of things to write about; but finally something has prompted my grubby little fingers to type. If you're a baller in Internet marketing; one thing I'm sure you're doing is concentrating on the few to get the mass.
Another way to say that is doing Niche marketing. This is concentrating or marketing only to a particular niche rather than a general and larger group. An example of this would be the ever used dog training example. Now newbies and idiots would try and market the 'keyword' "dog training."
They do this not knowing and maybe never realizing that dog training is an expensive and over popular keyword. Don't believe me just go type it in in Google and see the search results: you'll see over 9 million results
The key and non-idiot thing to do is to dig a lot deeper. That is, you must think about what searchers are looking for in dog training. Things like german shepard dog training - german shepard training specialist. For this long tailed keyword; you'll find only 18,000 results. It's a bit easier to compete against 18,000 than 9,900,000 million.
My good pals at Wealthy Affiliate, Kyle & Carson, are putting together a product that will be launching January 13th, they call NicheQ, it's going to be extraordinary and will bust the Niche marketing game apart. I have access to a free report on it that I'd like you to get your grubby fingers on right away. By clicking any link on this page that says 'NicheQ' you'll go to the page; enter your name and email address and that's it, you'll get a free report.
I hope you do this above anything else I've ever wrote about because this is critical for all veterans and idiots. Enjoy --> NicheQ
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